Develop Healthy Teams/Board

How are you moving your team towards clarity and effectiveness?

How to Develop Servant Leaders in Your Organization

Many CEO's are exploring how servant leadership aligns with their broader strategies. How can you build a culture that is geared towards health, collaboration, AND organizational performance?

Five Silent Killers of Urgency on Your Team

Does your team lack urgency? Makes sure these five urgency killers aren't lurking around.

What Successful Leaders Say Over and Over

We like to chase the idea of the moment. But successful people say these things over and over.

Fantastic Leaders Fight For Feedback

Leader, how do you seek out and respond to feedback? Because how you handle feedback from your team sets the tone for a teachable culture.

Defeating Delegation Dealbreakers

Why do some leaders struggle to delegate? They may be failing to overcome these delegation dealbreakers.

When You Can't Seem to Motivate Someone

Having trouble unlocking motivation for a team member? The carrot and the stick just aren’t working?It might not be your fault.

How Solving Everyone's Problems Makes You a Bad Leader

Being the leader that solves everyone's problems sounds good. But it can limit your team, yourself, and your organization.

Two Questions to Ask When Your Boss is Piling It On

Sometimes we face a well-intentioned boss who keeps piling on our plate. How can we lead up so we can serve them and the team with our best?

How to Develop Your Elder Board

Developing Elders can sound like a daunting task. Having a model or track to run on helps.

How to Figure Out Where Your Team is Stuck

Good teams get stuck, and sometimes they cannot see why. This simple exercise unearths where you are stuck so can begin to move forward.

Why Your Team is Quitting (and how to keep them).

Data reveals the top three reasons employees quit in 2022. What can you do as a leader to retain your top talent?

When Your Employee Doesn’t Get It (and how to fix it).

When we get frustrated with an employee who doesn't seem to "get it," check out this simple step to get on the same page.

Managing Ambiguity

When your Good Planning and Systems fail, and you are facing ambiguity, what can you fall back on?

The Value of a Corporate Sabbatical

Employers seeking to retain top talent, stave off burnout, and fight record turnover levels are turning to creative solutions ...including corporate sabbaticals.

Getting Your Team in the Right Seats

Trying to make sure your team members are all in the right seats on this bus? Use this tool to move them (and you) towards effectiveness.

How Can You Get More Focused Conversations When People Seek Your Input?

When we focus the input people are asking from us, we free up space and time in our leadership.

How to Avoid Fumbling the Delegation Handoff

Delegation is critical to a leader's success. How do we avoid fumbling that handoff of responsibility?

Seven Secrets of a Great Elder Chair

The Chair of the Elders can make or break a board. This makes the Elder Chair worth a Pastor’s consistent, intentional investment.

Seven Learnings from Lousy Leavings

You can do everything right, and the leaving can still be lousy. Take courage from these Seven Learnings from Lousy Leavings

How to (Actually) Fire Someone

Firing someone is a skill. Sadly, one that you will have to learn. Having some of these practical steps set before the meeting will help everyone begin to step into what’s next.

Five Questions Before You Fire Someone

When you are considering the powerful step of firing someone, pause and work through these five questions, so that you can make sure firing is the right thing to do.

Stacking the Deck In Your Hiring Favor

Hiring is a gamble. Make it easier for yourself by getting every advantage you can.

Three Calls You Must Make to Develop Those You Lead

Leaders don’t just stumble upwards; they require intentionality and time. How are you developing the leaders on your team?

Five Marks of High Functioning Elder Boards

How do you know if your Board is functioning at a high level? Check it against these five marks of a High Functioning Elder Board.

The Holy Grail Of Teams: Clarity

When teams finally identify where they are stuck, invariably lack of clarity is the culprit. How can you grab the Holy Grail of Clarity for your team?
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