How Are You Stewarding Your Capacity?

How Are You Stewarding Your Capacity?
Thomas Thompson
April 12, 2022
min read

How are you stewarding your capacity?

You know what it's like when your tank runs dry, when you limp home having left it all at work, or drag across the finish line on a project feeling depleted. 

And that has to do with our Capacity, the tank that holds our physical, emotional, and mental energy.  We begin each day, each week, each season of life with a tank of energy. And the choices we make throughout that day–mindful, aware, intentional choices–can drain or fill that tank. 

  • Capacity is your ability to juggle several balls in the air at once, and keep them from crashing into the ground.

  • Capacity contains not only what you do, but what you think about.  It shows up when you leave an issue at work, but that issue still takes up office space in your brain.

  • We are all hard wired with different sized tanks.  And what drains and fills our tanks are also unique to each one of us. For example, conversations fuel me.  Numbers drain me.  I can spend an hour coaching a client or an hour computing my company’s cashflow, and those two hours DRASTICALLY differ in how they affect my capacity tank.

Bad news:  You probably cannot alter the size of your capacity tank.

Worse news:  Failing to manage your capacity WILL catch up with you.  You will bring less to your leadership, you will give someone the short end of your stick, you will hit walls you cannot break through.

Good News:  Often we squander our capacity chasing busy, not productive. You want to be Chasing the Antelope, investing your capacity into high-caloric activities.

Great news:  You CAN also steward your capacity so your tank stays replenished, and you bring your leadership “A” game.

How?  Take a few minutes to tackle your tank in three steps. 

1. WHERE AM I RIGHT NOW? Gauging my energy level. 

How is my tank right now? (Mark your level)

2. HOW DID I GET HERE? Understanding my energy tank 

Use this grid to gain awareness of your energy tank. Consider mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, relational energy. If you get stuck, ask someone who knows you well.

3. WHAT CAN I DO TO REPLENISH? Taking action to steward my tank. 

  • What is one thing I can change right now to do more of what fills my tank? 

  • What is one thing I can change right now to do less of what drains my tank? 

  • What would it look like for me to steward my capacity if something that drains my tank is unavoidable? 

Taking time to regularly gauge your energy level and making intentional adjustments to fill your tank is how good leaders steward capacity.   

Thomas helps leaders navigate what’s next in their lives, leadership, and teams.  If he can serve you in this, reach out to him HERE.

Photo by Folco Masi on Unsplash

I founded Thompson Leadership to come alongside leaders like you. Together, we will unpack your unique leadership, unearth your biggest challenge, and create an action plan to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
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